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NotChangedAssertionsNotChangedExcept Method (SmartAssertPlaceHolder, NotChangedKind, String)

Creates an Assertion that ensure object properties/fields did not change, except the specified ones, in the Act part of your test.

Namespace:  SmartTests.Assertions
Assembly:  SmartTests (in SmartTests.dll) Version: 1.12.0
public static Assertion NotChangedExcept(
	this SmartAssertPlaceHolder _,
	NotChangedKind kind,
	params string[] exceptions


Type: SmartTestsSmartAssertPlaceHolder
The dummy place holder for all Smart Assertions.
Type: SmartTests.AssertionsNotChangedKind
The kind of members and visibility to check for changes.
Type: SystemString
The names of the properties/fields that can change during the Act.

Return Value

Type: Assertion
The newly created Assertion.

Usage Note

In Visual Basic and C#, you can call this method as an instance method on any object of type SmartAssertPlaceHolder. When you use instance method syntax to call this method, omit the first parameter. For more information, see Extension Methods (Visual Basic) or Extension Methods (C# Programming Guide).
BadTestException If exceptions are not properties/fields of the instance involve in the Act.
SmartTestException If any property/field checked (see kind), of the instance involved in the Act, except the exceptions have changed.
This Assertion ensures that:
  1. Before the Act -

    If names in exceptions are not properties/fields of the instance involved in the Act, a BadTestException is thrown.

  2. After the Act -

    If a property/field changed during the Act (except exceptions), a SmartTestException is thrown.

In this example, the Smart Assertion verifies that no property nor field of mc, except MyProperty and OtherProperty changed while calling MyMethod.
public void CopyFromTest()
    var mc = new MyClass();
    RunTest( ValidValue.IsValid,
             () => mc.MyMethod(),
             SmartAssert.NotChangedExcept( NotChangedKind.All, "MyProperty", "OtherProperty" ) );
See Also