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SmartAssertPlaceHolder Class

The place holder of any Smart Assertion extension method.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  SmartTests
Assembly:  SmartTests (in SmartTests.dll) Version: 1.12.0
public class SmartAssertPlaceHolder

The SmartAssertPlaceHolder type exposes the following members.

Public methodSmartAssertPlaceHolder
Initializes a new instance of the SmartAssertPlaceHolder class
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodCode exampleChangeT
Creates an Assertion that ensure relative changes to a property/indexer of an object.
(Defined by ChangeAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleChangedToOverloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure an object property/indexer changed in the Act part of your test.
(Defined by ChangedToAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleChangedToT(ExpressionFuncT, T)Overloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure an object property/indexer changed in the Act part of your test.
(Defined by ChangedToAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleNotChanged(NotChangedKind)Overloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure object properties/fields did not change in the Act part of your test.
(Defined by NotChangedAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleNotChanged(Object, NotChangedKind)Overloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure object properties/fields did not change in the Act part of your test.
(Defined by NotChangedAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleNotChangedExceptOverloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure object public properties did not change, except the one involved in the Act part of your test.
(Defined by NotChangedAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleNotChangedExcept(String)Overloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure object public properties did not change, except the specified ones, in the Act part of your test.
(Defined by NotChangedAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleNotChangedExcept(Object, String)Overloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure object public properties of the specified instance did not change, except the specified ones, in the Act part of your test.
(Defined by NotChangedAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleNotChangedExcept(NotChangedKind, String)Overloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure object properties/fields did not change, except the specified ones, in the Act part of your test.
(Defined by NotChangedAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleNotChangedExcept(Object, NotChangedKind, String)Overloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure object properties/fields of the specified instance did not change, except the specified ones, in the Act part of your test.
(Defined by NotChangedAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleNotChangedExceptT(ExpressionFuncT, NotChangedKind)Overloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure object properties/fields of the specified instance did not change, except the specified ones, in the Act part of your test.
(Defined by NotChangedAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleNotChangedExceptAct
Creates an Assertion that ensure object public properties did not change, except the one involved in the Act part of your test.
(Defined by NotChangedAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleNotRaised(String)Overloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure an standard event is not raised in the Act part of your test.
(Defined by RaiseAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleNotRaised(Object, String)Overloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure an standard event is not raised in the Act part of your test.
(Defined by RaiseAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleNotRaised_PropertyChangedOverloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure an object property/indexer did not change at all in the Act part of your test.
(Defined by PropertyChangedAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleNotRaised_PropertyChangedT(T)Overloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure an object property/indexer did not change at all in the Act part of your test.
(Defined by PropertyChangedAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleNotRaised_PropertyChangedT(ExpressionFuncT)Overloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure an object property/indexer did not change in the Act part of your test.
(Defined by PropertyChangedAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleNotRaised_PropertyChangedT(T, String)Overloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure an object property/indexer did not change in the Act part of your test.
(Defined by PropertyChangedAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleRaised(String)Overloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure an standard event is raised in the Act part of your test.
(Defined by RaiseAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleRaised(Object, String)Overloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure an standard event is raised in the Act part of your test.
(Defined by RaiseAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleRaisedT(String, EventHandlerT)Overloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure an standard event is raised in the Act part of your test.
(Defined by RaiseAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleRaisedT(Object, String, EventHandlerT)Overloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure an standard event is raised in the Act part of your test.
(Defined by RaiseAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleRaised_PropertyChangedOverloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure an object property/indexer changed to a different value in the Act part of your test.
(Defined by PropertyChangedAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleRaised_PropertyChangedT(ExpressionFuncT)Overloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure an object property/indexer changed to a different value in the Act part of your test.
(Defined by PropertyChangedAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleRaised_PropertyChangedT(T, String)Overloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure an object property/indexer changed to a different value in the Act part of your test.
(Defined by PropertyChangedAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleRaised_PropertyChangedT(ExpressionFuncT, T)Overloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure an object property/indexer changed to a different value in the Act part of your test.
(Defined by PropertyChangedAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleRaised_PropertyChangedT(T, String, Object)Overloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure an object property/indexer changed to a different value in the Act part of your test.
(Defined by PropertyChangedAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodThrowT(ActionT)Overloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure the provided exception type is thrown.
(Defined by ThrowAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodThrowT(String, ActionT)Overloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure the provided exception type is thrown for the parameterName parameter.
(Defined by ThrowAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodThrowT(String, String, ActionT)Overloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure the provided exception type is thrown for the parameterName parameter.
(Defined by ThrowAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleWait(WaitHandle, Double)Overloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure an asynchronous call from the Act is done before continuing Smart Assertions validations.
(Defined by WaitAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleWait(WaitHandle, TimeSpan)Overloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure an asynchronous call from the Act is done before continuing Smart Assertions validations.
(Defined by WaitAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleWaitContextHandle(Double)Overloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure an asynchronous call from the Act is done before continuing Smart Assertions validations.
(Defined by WaitAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleWaitContextHandle(TimeSpan)Overloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure an asynchronous call from the Act is done before continuing Smart Assertions validations.
(Defined by WaitAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleWithin(Int64)Overloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure the Act is done within a specific duration.
(Defined by WithinAssertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleWithin(TimeSpan)Overloaded.
Creates an Assertion that ensure the Act is done within a specific duration.
(Defined by WithinAssertions.)
It does not do nothing. It is just a place holder so that it is very easy to add Smart Tests methods.
See Also