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NotChangedKind Enumeration

Specifies flags that control what is tested for non-changes.

Namespace:  SmartTests.Assertions
Assembly:  SmartTests (in SmartTests.dll) Version: 1.12.0
public enum NotChangedKind
  Member nameValueDescription
PublicProperties1 Specifies that all public properties have to be checked for modification.
ProtectedProperties2 Specifies that all protected properties have to be checked for modification.
InternalProperties4 Specifies that all internal properties have to be checked for modification.
PrivateProperties8 Specifies that all private properties have to be checked for modification.
NonPublicProperties14 Specifies that all non-public properties (i.e. protected, internal and private) have to be checked for modification.
VisibleProperties3 Specifies that all visible properties (i.e. public and protected) have to be checked for modification.
AllProperties15 Specifies that all properties (i.e. public, protected, internal and private) have to be checked for modification.
PublicFields16 Specifies that all public fields have to be checked for modification.
ProtectedFields32 Specifies that all protected fields have to be checked for modification.
InternalFields64 Specifies that all internal fields have to be checked for modification.
PrivateFields128 Specifies that all private fields have to be checked for modification.
NonPublicFields224 Specifies that all non-public fields (i.e. protected, internal and private) have to be checked for modification.
VisibleFields48 Specifies that all visible fields (i.e. public and protected) have to be checked for modification.
AllFields240 Specifies that all fields (i.e. public, protected, internal and private) have to be checked for modification.
All255 Specifies that all properties and all fields (i.e. public, protected, internal and private) have to be checked for modification.
See Also