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ActT Properties

The ActT generic type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAssertions
The Smart Assertion implied in the Associated RunTest Overload methods, if any.
(Inherited from ActBase.)
Public propertyConstructor
The ConstructorInfo of the Act part of the test, if any.
(Inherited from ActBase.)
Public propertyContext
Gets the context of this Act.
(Inherited from ActBase.)
Public propertyException
The thrown Exception when running RunTest Overload methods, if any.
(Inherited from ActBase.)
Public propertyField
The FieldInfo of the Act part of the test, if any.
(Inherited from ActBase.)
Public propertyInstance
The instance of the Act part of the test, if any.
(Inherited from ActBase.)
Public propertyMember
The MemberInfo of the Act prt of the test, if any.
(Inherited from ActBase.)
Public propertyMethod
The MethodInfo of the Act part of the test, if any.
(Inherited from ActBase.)
Public propertyProperty
The PropertyInfo of the Act part of the test, if any.
(Inherited from ActBase.)
Public propertyResult
The returned value of the Act.
See Also