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INumericTypeT Interface

Represents a range of integers of any integer type T

Namespace:  SmartTests.Ranges
Assembly:  SmartTests (in SmartTests.dll) Version: 1.12.0
public interface INumericType<T> : IType
where T : Object, IComparable<T>

Type Parameters

The type of integers for this range

The INumericTypeT type exposes the following members.

Public propertyChunks
The sorted list of non-overlapping chunks
Public propertyMaxValue
Maximum value for type T
Public propertyMinValue
Minimum value for type T
Public methodAbove(T)
Adds a chunk of numeric values above min
Public methodAbove(T, T, T)
adds a chunk of numeric values above min and returns a criteria for this range
Public methodAboveOrEqual(T)
Adds a chunk of numeric values above a min
Public methodAboveOrEqual(T, T, T)
Adds a chunk of numeric values above or equal to a min and returns a criteria for this range
Public methodBelow(T)
Adds a chunk of numeric values below max
Public methodBelow(T, T, T)
Creates a range of numeric values below max and returns a criteria for this range
Public methodBelowOrEqual(T)
Adds a chunk of numeric values below or equal to max
Public methodBelowOrEqual(T, T, T)
Adds a range of numeric values below or equal to max and returns a criteria for this range
Public methodGetErrorValue
Returns any value for this range (all values have the same probability) as an error value
Public methodGetNext
Returns the value following n
Public methodGetPrevious
Returns the value preceding n
Public methodGetValidValue
Returns any value for this range (all values have the same probability)
Public methodRange(T, T)
Adds a chunk of numeric values
Public methodRange(T, Boolean, T, Boolean)
Adds a chunk of numeric values
Public methodRange(T, T, T, T)
Adds a chunk of numeric values and returns a criteria for this range
Public methodRange(T, Boolean, T, Boolean, T, T)
Adds a chunk of numeric values
Public methodValue(T)
Creates a range of one numeric value
Public methodValue(T, T)
Creates a range of one numeric value and returns a criteria for this range
See Also