
Here is a fully explained example of SmartTests usage:

We have a Bank system with 3 classes: Customer, BankAccount and Transaction.

Here are the tests (with NUnit, but could be MSTests or xUnit too):

Testing Customers

To test Customer class, I use two test classes:

  1. One to test the constructor
  2. One to test the instance declaration


using System;

using Example01;

using NUnit.Framework;

using SmartTests.Assertions;
using SmartTests.Criterias;

using static SmartTests.SmartTest;

namespace Example01Tests
    public class CustomerConstructorTests
        public void HappyPath()
            // Arrange Part
            var previous = new Customer( "Customer", "Address" );

            // Act part: shows test case with combination of Case (per parameter)
            // The first parameter is the name of the parameter, the second is the tested criteria
            // Once you have your cases combinations, missing cases will appear automatically
            // (that will disappear when the corresponding tests are written)
            var customer = RunTest( Case( "name", ValidString.HasContent ) &
                                    Case( "address", ValidString.HasContent ),
                                    () => new Customer( "Ludovic Dubois", "Montreal" ) );

            // Assert Part
            Assert.AreEqual( previous.Id + 1, customer.Id );
            Assert.AreEqual( "Ludovic Dubois", customer.Name );
            Assert.AreEqual( "Montreal", customer.Address );
            Assert.IsEmpty( customer.Accounts );

        public void EmptyName()
            // Act part: implement another case.
            // This case is an error, should be treated specifically (one error at a time)
            RunTest( Case( "name", ValidString.IsEmpty ) &
                     Case( "address", ValidString.HasContent ),
                     () => new Customer( "", "Montreal" ),
                     // Assert Part
                     // Ensure the ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown when the Customer is created
                     // Better than Assert.Catch, as you can still have Smart Assertions after catching the failure
                     SmartAssert.Throw<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>( "name" ) );

        public void NullName()
            // Act part: implement another case.
            // This case is an error, should be treated specifically (one error at a time)
            RunTest( Case( "name", ValidString.IsNull ) &
                     Case( "address", ValidString.HasContent ),
                     () => new Customer( null, "Montreal" ),
                     // Assert Part
                     // Ensure the ArgumentNullException is thrown when the Customer is created
                     // Better than Assert.Catch, as you can still have Smart Assertions after catching the failure
                     SmartAssert.Throw<ArgumentNullException>( "name" ) );

        public void EmptyAddress()
            // Act part: implement another case.
            // This case is an error, should be treated specifically (one error at a time)
            RunTest( Case( "name", ValidString.HasContent ) &
                     Case( "address", ValidString.IsEmpty ),
                     () => new Customer( "Ludovic Dubois", "" ),
                     // Assert Part
                     // Ensure the ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown when the Customer is created
                     // Better than Assert.Catch, as you can still have Smart Assertions after catching the failure
                     SmartAssert.Throw<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>( "address" ) );

        public void NullAddress()
            // Act part: implement another case.
            // This case is an error, should be treated specifically (one error at a time)
            RunTest( Case( "name", ValidString.HasContent ) &
                     Case( "address", ValidString.IsNull ),
                     () => new Customer( "Ludovic Dubois", null ),
                     // Assert Part
                     // Ensure the ArgumentNullException is thrown when the Customer is created
                     // Better than Assert.Catch, as you can still have Smart Assertions after catching the failure
                     SmartAssert.Throw<ArgumentNullException>( "address" ) );


using System;
using System.Linq;

using Example01;

using NUnit.Framework;

using SmartTests.Assertions;
using SmartTests.Criterias;

using static SmartTests.SmartTest;

namespace Example01Tests
    public class CustomerTests
        private Customer _Customer;

        public void Setup()
            _Customer = new Customer( "Ludovic Dubois", "Montreal" );

        // Address PROPERTY TESTS

        public void SetAddress_HappyPath()
            RunTest( ValidString.HasContent,
                     // Act
                     // To Test Assignment, use Assign
                     Assign( () => _Customer.Address, "Quebec" ),

                     // Assert (and implicit Assume)
                     // Before Act: Register to PropertyChangedEvent
                     // After Act: Assert PropertyChanged raised when assignment is run, with "Address" as PropertyName
                     // Before Act: Assume _Customer.Address != "Quebec" before assignment, keep track of all other public properties
                     // AfterAct: _Customer.Address == "Quebec", all other public properties did not change

        public void SetAddress_Empty()
            RunTest( ValidString.IsEmpty,
                     // Act
                     // To Test Assignment, use Assign
                     Assign( () => _Customer.Address, "" ),

                     // Assert (and implicit Assume)
                     // After Act: Assert ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown with ParamName == "value" and Message == "Address Cannot be empty not null!" (omitting Parameter Name: value)
                     SmartAssert.Throw<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>( "value", "Address cannot be empty nor null!" ),
                     // Before Act: Register to PropertyChangedEvent
                     // After Act: Assert not PropertyChanged is raised
                     // Before Act: keep track of all properties and fields
                     // After Act: Assert no property nor field changed => the _Customer is not changed at all
                     SmartAssert.NotChanged( NotChangedKind.All )

        public void SetAddress_Null()
            RunTest( ValidString.IsNull,
                     // Act
                     // To Test Assignment, use Assign
                     Assign( () => _Customer.Address, null ),

                     // Assert (and implicit Assume)
                     // After Act: Assert ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown with ParamName == "value" and Message == "Address Cannot be empty not null!" (omitting Parameter Name: value)
                     SmartAssert.Throw<ArgumentNullException>( "value", "Address cannot be empty nor null!" ),
                     // Before Act: Register to PropertyChangedEvent
                     // After Act: Assert not PropertyChanged is raised
                     // Before Act: keep track of all properties and fields
                     // After Act: Assert no property nor field changed => the _Customer is not changed at all
                     SmartAssert.NotChanged( NotChangedKind.All )

        // CreateAccount METHOD TESTS

        public void CreateAccount()
            var previous = _Customer.CreateAccount();

            var account = RunTest( // We always can call CreateAccount
                                  // Act
                                  () => _Customer.CreateAccount(),

                                  // Assert (and implicit Assume)
                                  // Before act: Register to PropertyChangedEvent
                                  // After Act: Assert not PropertyChanged is raised
                                  // Before Act: Keep track of all properties and fields
                                  // After Act: Assert no property nor field changed => the _Customer is not changed at all
                                  SmartAssert.NotChanged( NotChangedKind.All ),
                                  // Before Act: Compute the expression _Customer.Account.Count + 1 and save its result
                                  // After Act: Assert current _Customer.Accounts.Count is the saved value (thus, that Count is one more than before)
                                  SmartAssert.Change( () => _Customer.Accounts.Count + 1 )

            // Assert
            Assert.AreSame( account, _Customer.Accounts.Last() );
            Assert.AreEqual( previous.Id + 1, account.Id );
            Assert.AreSame( _Customer, account.Customer );
            Assert.AreEqual( 0, account.Balance );
            Assert.IsEmpty( account.Transactions );

        // CloseAccount METHOD TEST

        public void CloseAccount_HappyPath()
            var account = _Customer.CreateAccount();

            var result = RunTest( CollectionItem.IsInCollection,
                                  // Act
                                  () => _Customer.CloseAccount( account ),

                                  // Assert (and implicit Assume)
                                  // Before Act: Keep track of all properties and fields
                                  // After Act: Assert no property nor field changed => the _Customer is not changed at all
                                  SmartAssert.NotChanged( NotChangedKind.All ),
                                  // Before Act: Register to PropertyChangedEvent
                                  // After Act: Assert not PropertyChanged is raised
                                  // Before Act: Compute the expression _Customer.Account.Count - 1 and save its result
                                  // After Act: Assert current _Customer.Accounts.Count is the saved value (thus, that Count is one less than before)
                                  SmartAssert.Change( () => _Customer.Accounts.Count - 1 )

            // Assert
            Assert.IsTrue( result );

        public void CloseAccount_NotOurAccount()
            // Arrange
            var customer2 = new Customer( "You", "World" );
            var account = customer2.CreateAccount();

            var result = RunTest( CollectionItem.IsNotInCollection,
                                  // Act
                                  () => _Customer.CloseAccount( account ),

                                  // Assert (and implicit Assume)
                                  // Before Act: Keep track of all properties and fields
                                  // After Act: Assert no property nor field changed => the _Customer is not changed at all
                                  SmartAssert.NotChanged( NotChangedKind.All ),
                                  // Before Act: Register to PropertyChangedEvent
                                  // Assert Act: Ensure not PropertyChanged is raised
                                  // Before Act: Keep track of all public properties of _Customer.Accounts
                                  // After Act: Assert current _Customer.Accounts public properties are the saved value (thus, that _Customer.Accounts did not changed at all)
                                  SmartAssert.NotChanged( _Customer.Accounts )

            // Assert
            Assert.IsFalse( result );

        public void CloseAccount_NoAccount()
            RunTest( CollectionItem.IsNull,
                     // Act
                     () => _Customer.CloseAccount( null ),

                     // Assert (and implicit Assume)
                     // After: Assert ArgumentNullException is thrown for the right parameter (optional) with the right error message (optional)
                     SmartAssert.Throw<ArgumentNullException>( "account", "account belonging to this customer is required" ),
                     // Before Act: Register to PropertyChangedEvent
                     // After Act: Assert not PropertyChanged is raised
                     // Before Act: Keep track of all properties and fields
                     // After Act: Assert no property nor field changed => the _Customer is not changed at all
                     SmartAssert.NotChanged( NotChangedKind.All ),
                     // Before Act: Keep track of all public properties of _Customer.Accounts
                     // After Act: Assert current _Customer.Accounts public properties are the saved value (thus, that _Customer.Accounts did not changed at all)
                     SmartAssert.NotChanged( _Customer.Accounts )


using System;
using System.Linq;

using Example01;

using NUnit.Framework;

using SmartTests.Assertions;
using SmartTests.Criterias;
using SmartTests.Ranges;

using static SmartTests.SmartTest;

namespace Example01Tests
    public class AccountTests
        private Customer _Customer;
        private Account _Account;

        public void Setup()
            _Customer = new Customer( "Ludovic", "Dubois" );
            _Account = _Customer.CreateAccount();

        #region Deposit Tests

        public void Deposit_HappyPath()
            var lowerNow = DateTime.Now;

            // We use a lambda expression to show equivalence class and to generate a random value within this equivalence class
            RunTest( Case( ( double amount ) => amount.Above( 0 ), out var value ),
                     // Act
                     () => _Account.Deposit( value ),

                     // Assert (and implicit Assume)
                     // Before Act: Keep tracks of all public properties
                     // After Act: Assert all public properties have the same values, except Balance
                     SmartAssert.NotChangedExcept( nameof(Account.Balance) ),
                     // Before Act: Register to PropertyChangedEvent
                     // After Act: Assert PropertyChanged is raised for Balance
                     SmartAssert.Raised_PropertyChanged( _Account, nameof(Account.Balance) ),
                     // Before Act: Compute _Account.Balance + value
                     // After Act: Assert _Account.Balance is previous computed value
                     SmartAssert.Change( () => _Account.Balance + value ),
                     // Before Act: Compute _Account.Transactions.Count + 1
                     // After Act: Assert _Account.Transactions.Count is previous computed value
                     SmartAssert.Change( () => _Account.Transactions.Count + 1 )

            // Assert the added transaction reflects the Deposit
            var transaction = _Account.Transactions.Last();
            Assert.AreEqual( _Account, transaction.Account );
            Assert.AreEqual( value, transaction.Amount );
            Assert.IsTrue( lowerNow <= transaction.Date && transaction.Date <= DateTime.Now );
            Assert.AreEqual( TransactionKind.Deposit, transaction.Kind );
            Assert.IsNull( transaction.SecondAccount );

        public void Deposit_Negative()
            // We use a lambda expression to show equivalence class and to generate a random value within this equivalence class
            RunTest( Case( ( double amount ) => amount.BelowOrEqual( 0 ), out var value ),
                     // Act
                     () => _Account.Deposit( value ),

                     // Assert (and implicit Assume)
                     // After Act: Assert ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown with ParamName == "amount"
                     SmartAssert.Throw<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>( "amount" ),
                     // Before Act: Register to PropertyChangedEvent
                     // After Act: Assert not PropertyChanged is raised
                     // Before Act: keep track of all properties and fields
                     // After Act: Assert no property nor field changed => the _Customer is not changed at all
                     SmartAssert.NotChanged( NotChangedKind.All )


        #region Withdraw Tests

        public void Withdraw_HappyPath()
            var lowerNow = DateTime.Now;
            _Account.Deposit( 1000 );

            // We use a lambda expression to show equivalence class and to generate a random value within this equivalence class
            var success = RunTest( Case( ( double amount ) => amount.Range( 0, false, 1000, true ), out var value ),
                                   // Act
                                   () => _Account.Withdraw( value ),

                                   // Assert (and implicit Assume)
                                   // Before Act: Keep tracks of all public properties
                                   // After Act: Assert all public properties have the same values, except Balance
                                   SmartAssert.NotChangedExcept( nameof(Account.Balance) ),
                                   // Before Act: Register to PropertyChangedEvent
                                   // After Act: Assert PropertyChanged is raised for Balance
                                   SmartAssert.Raised_PropertyChanged( _Account, nameof(Account.Balance) ),
                                   // Before Act: Compute _Account.Balance - value
                                   // After Act: Assert _Account.Balance is previous computed value
                                   SmartAssert.Change( () => _Account.Balance - value ),
                                   // Before Act: Compute _Account.Transactions.Count + 1
                                   // After Act: Assert _Account.Transactions.Count is previous computed value
                                   SmartAssert.Change( () => _Account.Transactions.Count + 1 )

            Assert.IsTrue( success );
            // Assert the added transaction reflects the Withdraw
            var transaction = _Account.Transactions.Last();
            Assert.AreEqual( _Account, transaction.Account );
            Assert.AreEqual( -value, transaction.Amount );
            Assert.IsTrue( lowerNow <= transaction.Date && transaction.Date <= DateTime.Now );
            Assert.AreEqual( TransactionKind.Withdraw, transaction.Kind );
            Assert.IsNull( transaction.SecondAccount );

        public void Withdraw_Negative()
            _Account.Deposit( 1000 );

            // We use a lambda expression to show equivalence class and to generate a random value within this equivalence class
            RunTest( Case( ( double amount ) => amount.BelowOrEqual( 0 ), out var value ),
                     // Act
                     () => _Account.Withdraw( value ),

                     // Assert (and implicit Assume)
                     // After Act: Assert ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown with ParamName == "amount"
                     SmartAssert.Throw<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>( "amount" ),
                     // Before Act: Register to PropertyChangedEvent
                     // After Act: Assert not PropertyChanged is raised
                     // Before Act: Keep track of all properties and fields
                     // After Act: Assert no property nor field changed => the _Customer is not changed at all
                     SmartAssert.NotChanged( NotChangedKind.All ),
                     // Before Act: Keep track of all public properties of _Account.Transactions
                     // After Act: Assert not property of _Account.Transactions changed (especially Count)
                     SmartAssert.NotChanged( _Account.Transactions )

        public void Withdraw_TooBig()
            _Account.Deposit( 1000 );
            // Assume
            Assert.AreEqual( 1000, _Account.Balance );

            // We use a lambda expression to show equivalence class and to generate a random value within this equivalence class
            var success = RunTest( Case( ( double amount ) => amount.Above( 1000 ), out var value ),
                                   // Act
                                   () => _Account.Withdraw( value ),

                                   // Assert (and implicit Assume)
                                   // Before Act: Register to PropertyChangedEvent
                                   // After Act: Assert not PropertyChanged is raised
                                   // Before Act: keep track of all properties and fields
                                   // After Act: Assert no property nor field changed => the _Customer is not changed at all
                                   SmartAssert.NotChanged( NotChangedKind.All ),
                                   // Before Act: Keep track of all public properties of _Account.Transactions
                                   // After Act: Assert not property of _Account.Transactions changed (especially Count)
                                   SmartAssert.NotChanged( _Account.Transactions )

            Assert.IsFalse( success );


        #region Transfer Tests

        public void Transfer_HappyPath()
            var lowerNow = DateTime.Now;
            _Account.Deposit( 1000 );
            var account2 = _Customer.CreateAccount();

            // We use a lambda expression to show equivalence class and to generate a random value within this equivalence class
            var success = RunTest( Case( ( double amount ) => amount.Range( 0, false, 1000, true ), out var value ) &
                                   Case( "toAccount", ValidValue.IsValid ),

                                   // Act
                                   () => _Account.Transfer( value, account2 ),

                                   // Assert (and implicit Assume)
                                   // Before Act: Keep tracks of all public properties
                                   // After Act: Assert all public properties have the same values, except Balance
                                   SmartAssert.NotChangedExcept( nameof(Account.Balance) ),
                                   // Before Act: Keep tracks of all public properties of account2
                                   // After Act: Assert all public properties of account2 have the same values, except Balance
                                   SmartAssert.NotChangedExcept( account2, nameof(Account.Balance) ),
                                   // Before Act: Register to PropertyChangedEvent
                                   // After Act: Assert PropertyChanged is raised for Balance
                                   SmartAssert.Raised_PropertyChanged( _Account, nameof(Account.Balance) ),
                                   // Before Act: Register to PropertyChangedEvent
                                   // After Act: Assert PropertyChanged is raised for Balance
                                   SmartAssert.Raised_PropertyChanged( account2, nameof(Account.Balance) ),
                                   // Before Act: Compute _Account.Balance - value
                                   // After Act: Assert _Account.Balance is previous computed value
                                   SmartAssert.Change( () => _Account.Balance - value ),
                                   // Before Act: Compute account2.Balance - value
                                   // After Act: Assert account2.Balance is previous computed value
                                   SmartAssert.Change( () => account2.Balance + value ),
                                   // Before Act: Compute _Account.Transactions.Count + 1
                                   // After Act: Assert _Account.Transactions.Count is previous computed value
                                   SmartAssert.Change( () => _Account.Transactions.Count + 1 ),
                                   // Before Act: Compute account2.Transactions.Count + 1
                                   // After Act: Assert account2.Transactions.Count is previous computed value
                                   SmartAssert.Change( () => account2.Transactions.Count + 1 )

            Assert.IsTrue( success );
            // Assert the added transaction reflects the Transfer
            var transaction = _Account.Transactions.Last();
            Assert.AreEqual( _Account, transaction.Account );
            Assert.AreEqual( -value, transaction.Amount );
            Assert.IsTrue( lowerNow <= transaction.Date && transaction.Date <= DateTime.Now );
            Assert.AreEqual( TransactionKind.Transfer, transaction.Kind );
            Assert.AreEqual( account2, transaction.SecondAccount );
            // Assert the added transaction reflects the Transfer
            var transaction2 = account2.Transactions.Last();
            Assert.AreEqual( account2, transaction2.Account );
            Assert.AreEqual( value, transaction2.Amount );
            Assert.IsTrue( lowerNow <= transaction2.Date && transaction2.Date <= DateTime.Now );
            Assert.AreEqual( TransactionKind.Transfer, transaction2.Kind );
            Assert.AreEqual( _Account, transaction2.SecondAccount );

        public void Transfer_NegativeAmount()
            _Account.Deposit( 1000 );
            var account2 = _Customer.CreateAccount();

            // We use a lambda expression to show equivalence class and to generate a random value within this equivalence class
            RunTest( Case( ( double amount ) => amount.BelowOrEqual( 0 ), out var value ) &
                     Case( "toAccount", ValidValue.IsValid ),

                     // Act
                     () => _Account.Transfer( value, account2 ),

                     // Assert (and implicit Assume)
                     // After Act: Assert ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown with ParamName == "amount"
                     SmartAssert.Throw<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>( "amount" ),
                     // Before Act: Keep tracks of all public properties
                     // After Act: Assert all public properties have the same values
                     // Before Act: Keep tracks of all public properties
                     // After Act: Assert all public properties have the same values
                     SmartAssert.NotChanged( account2 ),
                     // Before Act: Register to PropertyChangedEvent
                     // After Act: Assert PropertyChanged is not raised
                     // Before Act: Register to PropertyChangedEvent
                     // After Act: Assert PropertyChanged is not raised
                     SmartAssert.NotRaised_PropertyChanged( account2 ),
                     // Before Act: Keep track of all public properties of _Account.Transactions
                     // After Act: Assert not property of _Account.Transactions changed (especially Count)
                     SmartAssert.NotChanged( _Account.Transactions ),
                     // Before Act: Keep track of all public properties of account2.Transactions
                     // After Act: Assert not property of account2.Transactions changed (especially Count)
                     SmartAssert.NotChanged( account2.Transactions )

        public void Transfer_NoAccount2()
            _Account.Deposit( 1000 );

            // We use a lambda expression to show equivalence class and to generate a random value within this equivalence class
            RunTest( Case( ( double amount ) => amount.Range( 0, false, 1000, true ), out var value ) &
                     Case( "toAccount", ValidValue.IsInvalid ),

                     // Act
                     () => _Account.Transfer( value, null ),

                     // Assert (and implicit Assume)
                     // After Act: Assert ArgumentNullException is thrown with ParamName == "toAccount"
                     SmartAssert.Throw<ArgumentNullException>( "toAccount" ),
                     // Before Act: Register to PropertyChangedEvent
                     // After Act: Assert PropertyChanged is not raised
                     // Before Act: Keep tracks of all public properties
                     // After Act: Assert all public properties have the same values
                     // Before Act: Keep track of all public properties of _Account.Transactions
                     // After Act: Assert not property of _Account.Transactions changed (especially Count)
                     SmartAssert.NotChanged( _Account.Transactions )

        public void Transfer_TooBig()
            _Account.Deposit( 1000 );
            var account2 = _Customer.CreateAccount();

            // Assume
            Assert.AreEqual( 1000, _Account.Balance );

            // We use a lambda expression to show equivalence class and to generate a random value within this equivalence class
            var success = RunTest( Case( ( double amount ) => amount.Above( 1000 ), out var value ) &
                                   Case( "toAccount", ValidValue.IsValid ),

                                   // Act
                                   () => _Account.Transfer( value, account2 ),

                                   // Assert (and implicit Assume)
                                   // Before Act: Keep tracks of all public properties
                                   // After Act: Assert all public properties have the same values
                                   // Before Act: Keep tracks of all public properties of account2
                                   // After Act: Assert all public properties of account2 have the same values
                                   SmartAssert.NotChanged( account2 ),
                                   // Before Act: Register to PropertyChangedEvent
                                   // After Act: Assert no PropertyChanged is raised
                                   // Before Act: Register to PropertyChangedEvent
                                   // After Act: Assert no PropertyChanged is raised for account2
                                   SmartAssert.NotRaised_PropertyChanged( account2 ),
                                   // Before Act: Keep track of all public properties of _Account.Transactions
                                   // After Act: Assert not property of _Account.Transactions changed (especially Count)
                                   SmartAssert.NotChanged( _Account.Transactions ),
                                   // Before Act: Keep track of all public properties of account2.Transactions
                                   // After Act: Assert not property of account2.Transactions changed (especially Count)
                                   SmartAssert.NotChanged( account2.Transactions )

            Assert.IsFalse( success );
